
Helgstrand Dressage introduces regular consultation with veterinarians at employee meetings

marts 14. 2024

With a new initiative, Helgstrand Dressage strengthens the professional collaboration for riders and grooms with experienced veterinarians. Since the turn of the year, veterinarians from Højgård Equine Hospital and Clinic have participated in the regular monthly employee meetings at Helgstrand Dressage.

Foruden faglige oplæg om hestevelfærd, står dyrlægerne til rådighed for konkret sparring på mulige udfordringer, som henholdsvis ryttere og grooms kan møde i sit daglige arbejde og omgang med heste.

In addition to professional presentations on horse welfare, the veterinarians are available for specific consultation on potential challenges that both riders and grooms may encounter in their daily work and interaction with horses.

The presentations are based on scientific articles and the latest research in the field and therefore they provide a valuable supplement to the ongoing dialogue about well-being that employees have with each other and the management.

"We view the employee meetings as a constructive forum where both riders and grooms openly discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives. We offer a different professional perspective that can provide new insights into horse training and handling," says Frederik Nielsen, a veterinarian at Højgård Equine Clinic.

Veterinarians from Højgård have, among other things, given presentations to Helgstrand's grooms on effective learning methods, natural horse behavior, horse needs and instincts, as well as how to detect any unnoticed pain in the horse.

At rider meetings, veterinarians have particularly focused on interpreting conflict behavior and signals from horses during training, including the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram system, which focuses on the horse's behavior and reaction patterns during riding while experiencing pain in its musculoskeletal system. Other topics at these meetings have included varied training without reaching the acid threshold and bit-related injuries in the mouth.

"Our team includes some of the industry's most skilled employees and riders, who work every day to take care of our horses and ensure the best education for each horse. We are always striving to improve, and therefore we are very pleased to now have even closer professional collaboration with our veterinarians, ensuring that we are always up to date with the latest knowledge and trends in the industry," says Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard, general manager of Helgstrand Dressage.

The veterinarians are continuously available for consultation and further education of Helgstrand's staff, and there will also be additional professional presentations in the future.

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